
Showing posts from October, 2012

Little girl Necklace

 This is a gift for you wearing character's from your book ;).

Navrathri 2012

Not a very cheerful one.  I don't know this year we have not been participating more.  you have been to dandiya only one night at our complex.  We wanted to take you to a better place on Sat (sheetal nagar ground) but alas you have been running temperature from Friday.  So no outing. Thatz the pretty you on Friday.

Modelling for amma's jewellery

So this is the latest activity we have been into ... beading and jewelery now we have a lot of collection for ourselves and lots more to sell off.  We have partnered together.  The best is you model for me.  Even at midnight you can post such a nice happy smile. Thanks Dhriti.....