
Showing posts from January, 2009

Finally calls out DDDAAADDDDDYYYY

Finally, Dhriti calls out Ddddaaaadddyyyy yesterday. otherwise all these days she has been only calling out AAmmaa, AAvvaa and AAbbbaa. Her Dad has been really happy about this. What a nice Sankranti gift. I don't think he wanted anything more :)

Dhriti at Bangalore - Dec 08

Some snaps taken during her visit to Bangalore with amma and nana in Dec 08

Starts Gaming..... FOOTBALL

This little one and a half year old of mine has started playing FOOTBALL. She learnt this observing her bro (karan) play. She knows to connect her feet to the ball and kick it hard. We play in the bedroom after dinner every night. My own Maradona in the making :)